30 September 2013

The Cinemagogue of Czernowitz and the Synagobar of... (Deva - 1629 km)

(Deva, 27.09.2013 - 28.09.2013) Deva in Transylvania, fourth stage of my this year's motorcycle trip! The panoramic view down the hill from the Fortress of Deva is impressive, only the persistent fizzling around is a bit alarming.

Back in town, I'm looking for the Jewish Cemetery. It is as picturesque as the fortress, but the animals, which are straying here around, are less worrying.

Astonishingly enough here in Transylvania, the memorial plaque for Perale Schwartz reminds us, that Transnistria was a Place of no Return, not just for the Jews from Bukovina and Bessarabia.

Bending my steps toward the Deva Synagogue, I'm discovering, as an analogy to the Cinemagogue of Czernowitz, the Synagobar of Deva!

Cinemagogue is not my word coining, but used by Justyna Jabłońska for her article "Cinemagogue in Chernivtsi", published in the interesting brochure "Multi-Cultural Remembrance and the Permanence of Traces. Chernivtsi in Bukovina" by Geschichtswerstatt Europa.

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