21 July 2015

Meeting Even More Friends in... (Czernowitz - 6633 km)

(Czernowitz, 12.07.2015 - 21.07.2015) In Czernowitz, at the sentimental - not geographical - destination of my journey, I had the privilege to meet even more friends from far and wide. Arthur Rindner from Israel, Christian Herrmann and the ASF volunteer group from Germany as well as the SCI/SVIT volunteers from Finland, France, Germany and Ukraine.

Waiting for the different people to get to the town, I took the oppportunity for another photo shooting in Czernowitz. Subsequent to "One Street and Thirty-Two Backyards" from 2012 and "Let's Take a Seat" as well as "Following the Backyard Photographer to the Jewish Quarter" from 2014, this year's expedition pointed the camera at the "Segmented Houses of Czernowitz". Privatization of residential apartments without functioning owners corporation regulations leads to a bizarre uncontrolled growth!

Beyond that, day trips to Nepolokivtsi and to Budenets' as well as research works at the State Archives of Chernivtsi Oblast completed my stay, all of them subject to separate postings upon my return back home.

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