17 July 2015

EXTRA: Puzzle Contest from Nepolokivtsi, Nepolokiwzi, Nepolocăuți, Неполоківці

No, it's not the correct spelling nor the pronunciation of the - according to Wikipedia - "urban-type settlement", where our puzzle contest is coming from, it's just the correct answer on following question: What are the women manufacturing?

The winner is who will post first the correct answer as a comment at our blog post. He will receive a symbolic-historic prize from Czernowitz within four weeks upon my return back home. Here we go...

...and the winner is: HARDY! He wrote on 18.07.2015: "They are making camouflage nets for army helmets." Excellent, congratulations! The patriotic Ukrainian women are manufacturing hand-made camouflage nets for the helmets of their sons, brothers, fathers, etc., fighting in the east of their country against Ukrainian separatists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Table cloths.
